Buchan Executive 2024/25

President - Marc Thomson

Lt Thomson is a ‘lifer’ in the organisation, having joined Mrs Watt’s Anchor Boys in the 1st Fraserburgh at the age of five back in 1994. He has remained with the Company for the duration, being awarded his Queen’s Badge in 2007 and joining the Company Section staff as an officer. A keen bandsman in the award-winning 1st Fraserburgh Band he was taught the snare drum by his great-uncle, the late Alastair Sinclair, a former President of this Battalion. At Battalion level he has previously held a number of positions starting back in c.2008 when he led the Buchan Battalion Senior Boys’ group to great success. Since 2017 he has served as Vice-President of the Battalion and in conjunction with that post has served as Chair of the Battalion’s Company Section Committee.

Vice-President & DofE Advisor - Stevie Wilson

Stevie is one of the most senior Captains in the Battalion having led his Company for over 20 years. His time in the BB goes back much further though as he grew up in the BB in Peterhead. Last session he marked his 30th year as an officer in the Brigade showing his long-term dedication to the organisation. At Battalion level he has served in a number of positions. For many years he has served as Duke of Edinburgh Advisor to the Buchan Battalion, a permanent co-opted position on the Battalion Executive specifically for him. In this role Stevie and his team, particularly Kevin Mutch, has opened up opportunities of Duke of Edinburgh work for BB members across Buchan. His own company is known for its embrace of expedition and outdoor work and through his initiative and co-ordination this is now on offer to many more companies. He has also been Parade Commander of the Battalion since 2016 and very proudly led his first parade through his home village that year.

Secretary & Treasurer - Yvonne Duthie

Yvonne is co-officer in charge of the 1st Fraserburgh Company Section, as well as an officer in the Junior Section. She recently received her 20 years service award. Yvonne began as a helper when her son was in company section and has been there ever since. She does lot's of work behind the scene to ensure the Battalion runs smoothly!

Training Convenor - Martin Dunbar

Martin has been a life long member of the BB, and is currently the captain of 2 companies - 4th Fraserburgh & 5th Fraserburgh which now meet together on a weekly basis. Martin has previously been the Battalion President from 2003-08. Martin completed his KGVI Training in 1983, meaning he has been serving as an officer for over 40 years!

Queens Badge Advisor - Michael Strachan

Michael started in the 1st Fraserburgh company as a boy, then continuing on training as an officer and became OIC of the Junior Section. Since then Michael has helped at various companies, many of which could have collapsed if not for Michael's assistance. Michael is now the captain of 1st Rosehearty, which was the first company in the battalion to also have a Girls Association and vice-president of the North Scottish Area. Michael has also previously been a battalion president.

Co-opted - Bill Stott

Bill has been an officer in the Boys’ Brigade for nearly 47 years. Most recently Bill was a Junior Section Rep on the Executive but his cooption shows the high esteem in which he is held throughout the Battalion. Bill is also OIC of the Junior Section at 1st Strichen.

Under 26 Rep - Ross Duthie

Ross is a member of the 1st Fraserburgh and was recently presented with his Queen's Badge. He is also the Under 26 Rep for the North Scottish Area on the Scotland Committee.

Sectional Reps


Susan Beagrie

Lynne Bruce


Duncan Leel Snr

Gary Birnie

Company Section:

David Smith

Darren Traves

Honorary Officer Bearers

Honorary President & Life Member - James Muirhead MBE

Jimmy has been a life member of the Boys Brigade and regularly makes visit's to companies in the Battalion. In 2017 he received an MBE for the work he has done in the BB. He is also an Honorary Vice President of the North Scottish Area. He joined the Lifeboys in 1944 and spent 50 years as an officer of the 1st Fraserburgh Company where he helped train many of their award winning PT teams. At Battalion level he was a member of Buchan training team for many years ultimately becoming convener.

Honorary Vice-President’s

Alasdair Brodie - 1st New Deer
John Crawford - 4th Fraserburgh
Iain Newlands - 1st Fraserburgh
Bob Sim - 1st Fraserburgh