We are looking to create a Digital Vault of old Battalion Photos, Videos, Newspaper Articles, Really anything about the Battalion.
This Archive will be made available to View after content has been organised and added to the site. We are Currently Requesting if anyone has anything they wish to add to the Vault, to submit it via the methods below.
What we are looking for?
- Photos from Past Battalion Events
- Videos from Battalion Events
- Scans/images of Articles about the Battalion
- Anything you think should be added to the vault
Feel free to send in anything/as much as you want. The more images we receive the more complete the vault will become.
How to Submit Items to the Vault?
There are a few ways that items can be submitted
- Upload via this link https://rossduthie-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/ross_ross-duthie_com/Eh_4Q-Ol2BVCpvP0VwPAxfwBe-sC8ERlV1hdJwgucuPIKw
- Email it to vault@buchanbb.org.uk
Make sure after uploading images to send an email to vault@buchanbb.org.uk informing us of what you have uploaded so we know how to categorize it in the Vault.
When Uploading please try to keep your file as easy as possible to organise, i.e. upload folders/zip files for each different event or name the files to what the event was, this will make it easier to identify which event the images come from.
We hope that the vault develops with lot’s of photos and videos in it. If you have any questions about the vault please email vault@buchanbb.org.uk . The vault will be available to view once we have started to populate it.
Looking Forward to seeing all the uploads!!
Buchan Battalion Boys’ Brigade