Month: June 2022


On Friday evening Lt Stuart Pratt retired from the 1st New Pitsligo Boys Brigade after 45 years years service.

A long-time Captain of the Company, Stuart started volunteering with the then minister Rev. Ralph for 2 years from 1977 before becoming an officer in 1979.  Over that him he has been involved with the Junior & Company section.

Over the years he has taken the boys away on residential trips and I’m sure he has many a funny story to tell! He has also been involved in the Battalion Executive Committee representing the Juniors.

Last year Stuart took the decision to step down from the captaincy of the Company after a considerable number of years as Skipper. On stepping down Stuart continued with the Junior Section under Captain Mowat.

His successor as Captain, Elaine Mowat, said: “Volunteering is so rewarding, I always think it takes a special person to step up and give their time to others and be committed. I am sure Stuart has made a difference to many lives along the way. Stuart, may you be proud of the work you have done, the person you are and the difference you have made in your time at the Boys Brigade. We wish you good health and enjoyment with your retirement”

The President and Executive of the Buchan Battalion wish to take this opportunity to add their thanks to Stuart for his decades of service to the 1st New Pitsligo Company and congratulate him on making such a milestone. We wish him well on his retirement in the sure knowledge he will never be a stranger to the BB!

Duncan Leel Jnr – FuneralDuncan Leel Jnr – Funeral

We were all shocked and saddened to hear the news about Duncan Leel Jnr last week. Our thoughts and prayers go to Duncan Snr and Jessie at this very sad and difficult time.

Funeral arrangements have now been confirmed and are posted below. Could we ask all officers/boys past and present, who plan to attend to wear BB uniform/tie if at all possible? This will be very much appreciated.



Suddenly and sadly at home on Saturday June 4, 2022, Duncan Scott, aged 40 years, beloved son of Duncan and Jessie, loving grandson, nephew, cousin and good friend to many. Funeral service from Fraserburgh Old Parish Church on Thursday June 16 at 10am, thereafter to Rathen Cemetery, to which all family and friends are respectfully invited. Coaches will be leaving from the church to the cemetery and back to the church centre, the family have requested these be used to ease congestion. Family flowers only please but donations may be given in lieu, if so desired at church door in aid of 1st Fraserburgh Boys Brigade. Very sadly missed.

Alexander Buchan & Son, Funeral Directors


The President and Executive of the Buchan Battalion send their congratulations to Bailey Lynch and Kyle Gammack of the 4th Peterhead Company who were presented with their President’s Badges tonight.

The Badge is the second-highest in the Brigade and is the first requirement before boys can go on to work towards their Queen’s Badge.

We wish them every success in their endeavors for the Queen’s Badge!

DUNCAN S. LEEL 1982-2022DUNCAN S. LEEL 1982-2022

It was with a deep sense of shock and sadness that many of us heard of the sudden passing of Duncan Leel Jnr, aged only 40 years.

Duncan was a long-time member of the 1st Fraserburgh Company after briefly starting his BB journey in the 1st New Pitsligo Anchors. In 1992/93, when the 1st Fraserburgh Company Band was reformed, Duncan was quick to sign up. Learning the snare drum under Alastair Sinclair, he would go on to become senior drummer to the band. In 2002 he was appointed Bandmaster of the Company Band and served in that post for the next 20 years. Under his tenure the band had a number of successes at the BB Scottish Band Contests.

Followers from further afield will remember Duncan from the many Scottish Band competitions he attended as a boy, officer and bandmaster. In many respects many of his old boys will remember him most fondly for the same thing, from the days when the pilgrimage to the contest was an annual event. His band was also the Band for the Buchan Battalion, being called upon to cover our parades.

Between 2016-20, Duncan served as Officer-in-Charge of the 1st Fraserburgh Junior Section. It was something of a return, being a long-standing senior officer of the section for the decade between 2000-10. A popular officer in Juniors, he won the Officer of the Year award on a number of occasions. In total, Duncan gave upwards of 20 years service to the Boys’ Brigade as a staff member and Lieutenant in his company.

Away from BB he is perhaps best known for managing and then owned the Dick’s Sports business. Many an officer will know of his kindness in business, as there was always a wee BB discount of some description added to the final bill. This was a kindness and helpfulness he had in all spheres of life and something that will be missed by his many friends. Very recently Duncan had embarked on a new career as a bus driver, something he loved and was proud of, which makes his untimely passing all the more cruel.

The only son of Jessie and Duncan Snr, lately Battalion President, the thoughts of all in Buchan are with them both at this incredibly sad and difficult time. Their family within this Brigade will be there to support them, always.

QUEEN’S MEN – 4th FraserburghQUEEN’S MEN – 4th Fraserburgh


This morning three young men from the 4th Fraserburgh were presented with their Queen’s Badges – the highest award in the Boys’ Brigade. The badges were presented by the boys’ mothers; a thank you for all they do for their sons in the BB.

The badges were presented at a special Platinum Jubilee church service, led by Dorothy Mair, at Fraserburgh’s West Parish Church. It was fitting that the Queen’s Badge was presented at a service celebrating the BB Patron’s 70 years of service.

Battalion President, Marc Thomson, was present and congratulated the recipients on their well deserved awards. Keep up the good work!

PRESIDENT’S BADGES – 4th/5th FraserburghPRESIDENT’S BADGES – 4th/5th Fraserburgh

This morning the Battalion President presented eight members of the 4th & 5th Fraserburgh with their President’s Badges – the second highest award in the Boys’ Brigade. The President told those gathered that he was happy to hear that all eight are already working towards gaining their Queen’s Badge!

We send our Congratulations to:









Well done on this excellent achievement!

Final Night at the Lighthouse!Final Night at the Lighthouse!

For the final time the BB kept the light at Kinnaird Head to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This time the 4th & 5th Fraserburgh companies had the duty of keeping the machine running.

They had fantastic conditions last night and enjoyed a magnificent sunset from the roof of the Castle.

The Museum of Scottish Lighthouses would like to thank all members of the BB for participating in this event, helping to make the Jubilee celebrations in Fraserburgh that extra bit special!

QUEEN’S BADGES – 1st StrichenQUEEN’S BADGES – 1st Strichen



The President and Executive of the Buchan Battalion congratulate Glen and Robbie on being awarded their Queen’s Badges – the highest awards in the Boys’ Brigade.

They are pictured receiving their badges with Captain Steve Wilson, Vice-President of Buchan Battalion, and Colin Strong, Chaplian.

Well done on this great achievement!


Boys and Officers of the 1st Fraserburgh Company kept the light going at Kinnaird Head Lighthouse last night as part of the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses‘ three day celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Mrs Duthie switched the light on to begin the night and the party had to wind the machine to keep the light flashing.

Well done all!