FRI 30th JUNE 2023
All young men and young women who have or will achieve their President’s or Queen’s Badges in the 2022/23 Session are invited to attend the Buchan Battalion’s first ever official celebration of higher awards.
The evening event, kindly hosted by the 1st Fraserburgh Company on behalf of the Queen’s Badge Advisor, will be held at the Fraserburgh Old Parish Church Centre. Family members will also be invited to attend with more details being made available closer to the time.
The event will aim to highlight and celebrate the achievement of each individual who has gained these higher awards with a view to making it an annual event.
The Andrew West Memorial Trophy will also be awarded for the first time to the Queen’s Man who has gone above and beyond to achieve the highest award in the Boys’ Brigade. The recipient will likely be the first and last Queen’s Man on the trophy!