Tag: 4th/5th Fraserburgh

Henry Duthie MBE – Guard of Honor – 20th JuneHenry Duthie MBE – Guard of Honor – 20th June

The funeral of Henry Duthie will take place on Saturday 20 June at Alexander Buchan & Sons at 10am. This is restricted to invited guests.

The hearse will travel from Alexander Buchan’s around 10.30am and travel up Watermill Road to pass by Gallowhill Terrace, along West Road and up over Dennyduff Road past the West Church and down to the trafic lights, turning right heading to the roundabout at Tesco’s before heading to Kirkton Cemetery.

The Boys’ Brigade have been asked to form a Guard of Honour from the gates at the Cemetery back towards Lidl’s and depending on numbers back towards roundabout ensuring we adhere to the social distancing rules.

All Boys’ Brigade members past and present who would wish to pay their last respects to the great BB man should be in uniform (past or present). Please be in the area to form the guard of honour by 10.30am on Saturday.

Martin Dunbar
Captain, 4/5th Fraserburgh BB


All in the Battalion were saddened to learn of the passing of BB stalwart, Henry Duthie MBE.

Henry Duthie was a founder member and Lieutenant of the 4th Fraserburgh Boys’ Brigade in September 1952. He would soon become Captain of the 4th Fraserburgh taking over from Joe Ironside circa 1953/54. Henry would remain Captain of the Company for 32 years.

During his time as Captain of the Fourth he was Area President of the Fraserburgh District in the late 1960’s, Vice President of Buchan Battalion 1970-74, before becoming President 1974-79. He stayed on as Vice President from 1979-84.

Henry was also Training Officer/Convener 1980s-c.1993 and was bestowed an Honorary Life Member 1994. Henry was also an Honorary Vice President of the North Scottish Area and has been for many years.

Henry was awarded an MBE 31/12/1992 and presented to him by the Queen in 1993.

We remember Henry for his many years of dedicated service to the Boys’ Brigade in Fraserburgh but also in Buchan area and beyond. Henry also known as “Mr Fraserburgh”
during his time as Chairman of Fraserburgh 400 in 1992 and he did a power of work for the youth in the town. He was also a founder member of the Fraserburgh Junior Arts in 1953 and was involved in the Fraserburgh Heritage Centre.

For those boys who attended the 4th Fraserburgh they would have been one of “Henry’s loons” and a great many young men will remember fondly their time in the BB with Henry as their Captain.


Congratulations to the 1st Strichen & 4th Fraserburgh Junior Sections who are joint winners of the Sid Newlands Memorial Trophy!
This means they have accumulated the most points through the year at Battalion competitions.
It was a very close run thing and we thank the other companies in the battalion for their sense of sportsmanship with the early closing of the competition season due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Well done to all who took part in competitions this BB session!