Tag: 4th Peterhead

QUEEN’S BADGE – Bailey LynchQUEEN’S BADGE – Bailey Lynch

Well done to Bailey Lynch of the 4th Peterhead boys Brigade who was awarded his Queen’s Badge – the highest award in the BB – at display night last Friday.

Bailey put a lot of work into the badge including volunteering with the 1st Rosehearty Anchors and Volunteering with Waulkmill.Menagerie Petting Farm. For his skill Bailey learned about animal care and for his physical he improved his stamina in kickboxing. A lot of work indeed!

Bailey’s brother Leon received the Queen’s Badge 5 years ago whilst his father, Lt Kevin Lynch, received his badge in 1997!

The President was present to see the award and had already congratulated Bailey on behalf of the Battalion and Executive.

Well done Bailey! Very much deserved!


Congratulations to Bailey Lynch (4th Peterhead), Jon Anderson (1st Fraserburgh) and Brody Tocher (1st Fraserburgh) who have successfully completed their Queen’s Badge work!

The three attended the North Scottish Area’s Completion course at Kincraig this week. Well done to all three for the high standard of work they put in to achieve the award.

We will look forward to seeing them received their badges at presentation nights in the very near future!


This afternoon the 1st Strichen handed over the #140Baton to the 4th Peterhead at Aden House, in Mintlaw. The baton will now make its way to the Area’s most eastern point on the mainland – the Blue Toon!

The hand over party was made up of Liam and Kyle, brothers from Strichen who accompanied Company Captain Steve Wilson and Ryle and Nathanial from Peterhead who were accompanied by Lt Leon Lynch. Well done to all as the weather was not kind today.

We will look forward to seeing what the 4th Peterhead have in store.

Dodgeball Competition Results!Dodgeball Competition Results!

The first Battalion competition of the season took place today as the Companies battle it out. The 1st Fraserburgh hosted the dodgeball with the following placing:


1st Place = 1st Fraserburgh

2nd Place = 1st Strichen

3rd Place = 1st Rosehearty


1st Place = 1st Strichen

2nd Place = 1st Fraserburgh

3rd Place = 1st Rosehearty

Well done to all who took part including the 4th Peterhead who only missed a placing due to a three-way play off in the Company Section category.

Thanks to the 1st Fraserburgh for hosting a well organised competition and for their kind hospitality!

4th Peterhead Enrolment4th Peterhead Enrolment

BB Registration night this year will be on THURSDAY 24th August. 6.15-7.15. We are looking forward to seeing all old members and our new ones. Please bring along your friends to show them how good BB is.

This is the usual form filling, BB officially starts the week after. Further details will be posted in the 4th Peterhead Boys Brigade Facebook group. Junior section programme is on parent portal. Let anyone you know who is not on FB.



With a month to go until our first ever Queen’s Badge and President’s Badge celebration we are delighted to advise that Iain Hamilton, Aberdeen Battalion, has accepted our invitation to be Chief Guest.

As Training Convener for the North Scottish Area his face will be a familiar one to Queen’s Badge Recipients whilst those who attend the NSA residential courses will get to know him over the next two years.

A reminder that all recipients of the Queen’s and President’s Badges are invited to attend this celebration which should see representation from 1st Fraserburgh, 4th & 5th Fraserburgh, 1st New Pitsligo, 1st Rosehearty, 4th Peterhead and 1st Strichen.

All Officers from across the Battalion are invited to attend but numbers must be forwarded to the Battalion Secretary for catering provisions.

Company Management TrainingCompany Management Training

Buchan Battalion was well represented at the Company Management Training hosted at Aberdeen & District Battalion HQ today!

Well done to the 9 Captains and Officers-in-Charge who attended from Buchan representing the 1st New Pitsligo, 4th Peterhead, 1st Fraserburgh, 4th & 5th Fraserburgh and 1st Rosehearty.

Thanks to Iain, David and Martin for running the course. And thanks to Martin for driving the mini-bus through.

Great to meet up with other officers from across the North and further afield, including Phillip from 2nd Turriff!