Please find Information Below For Enrolling with your Company for the New Session!!
Once information is available for other companies, we will keep you updated with their information for the new 2021/22 session!👍

Please find Information Below For Enrolling with your Company for the New Session!!
Once information is available for other companies, we will keep you updated with their information for the new 2021/22 session!👍
The 1st Rosehearty Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association will enrol for the new session on Tuesday 31st August 2021.Anchors will enrol at 5.30pm. Anchor Boys will meet weekly on a Tuesday between 5.30-6.30pm at Rosehearty School. For Boys in P1-P3.Junior Section will enrol at 6.30pm. Junior Section will meet weekly on a Tuesday 6.30-8pm at Rosehearty School. For Boys in P4-P6 and Girls in P6.Company Section will enrol at 6.30pm. Company Section will meet weekly on a THURSDAY 7-9pm at Rosehearty School. For Boys and Girls in P7-S3.All existing and former members are invited to join. New members are welcome to join at any age.
⚓4th & 5th Fraserburgh BB restarts next month. The Company and Seniors (P7 – S6) starts on Wednesday 1 September, Anchors (P1 – P3) starts Monday 6 September and Juniors (P4 – P6) starts on Tuesday 7 September. More details will be sent to parents of existing members soon. For boys looking to join any of the 4 sections please get in touch by email
Looking forward to the new session and all leaders can’t wait to see you all to engage, explore and excel 👍⚓😃
All at the 1st Rosehearty Company are looking forward to welcoming Alison Chambers, Brigade Vice-President, to our village on Saturday 17th July!
Alison is coming to Rosehearty to present Jack Irvine with his President’s Commendation alongside other young men from around the Battalion who will be receiving higher Brigade Awards. We believe Alison will be the highest ranking official from the BB to ever visit our village in our entire 98-year history.
Alison is a leader in the Airdrie, Coatbridge and District Battalion where she has served as the Battalion Training Convener. She currently serves as a Queen’s Badge Co-ordinator for Lanarkshire District Fellowship and was appointed a Brigade Vice-President last year.
The forecast says the sun may even make an appearance as we look forward to this special day!
This is just a reminder since we have recently had a few requests about how the Battalion Mini Bus Can be booked.
To Book out the Mini Bus head to and login with the Details Provided.
On the dashboard you should see a button that says Reserve, click this and it will let you fill in a booking form.
Once you have submitted your booking request it will then be sent to be approver, you will be notified once it has been accepted.
We have a step by step Booking Tutorial Available to view at
If you have any questions, please email or send us a message on Facebook.
Our Facebook page now has a magnificent 900 like!
The more people that follow our page, the more people know about the wonderful work our Battalion does for young people in the north east of Scotland!
Thank you for following us and stay tuned for more exciting times ahead as we gradually emerge from this lockdown in 2021!
If you haven’t liked our page yet, you can head to our page at
This evening members of the Buchan Executive met on Zoom for the first time in 2021 to discuss several important Battalion matters.
We are all very much looking forward to a time when we are able to come together again and meet in person not only for our meetings, but also in our companies
We are looking to create a Digital Vault of old Battalion Photos, Videos, Newspaper Articles, Really anything about the Battalion.
This Archive will be made available to View after content has been organised and added to the site. We are Currently Requesting if anyone has anything they wish to add to the Vault, to submit it via the methods below.
What we are looking for?
Feel free to send in anything/as much as you want. The more images we receive the more complete the vault will become.
How to Submit Items to the Vault?
There are a few ways that items can be submitted
Make sure after uploading images to send an email to informing us of what you have uploaded so we know how to categorize it in the Vault.
When Uploading please try to keep your file as easy as possible to organise, i.e. upload folders/zip files for each different event or name the files to what the event was, this will make it easier to identify which event the images come from.
We hope that the vault develops with lot’s of photos and videos in it. If you have any questions about the vault please email . The vault will be available to view once we have started to populate it.
Looking Forward to seeing all the uploads!!
Buchan Battalion Boys’ Brigade
As of today Michael Strachan becomes the new Queen’s Badge Advisor for the Buchan Battalion. Our outgoing Queen’s Badge Advisor, Lt Andrew West of the 1st Fraserburgh, has held the post since 1997 and has seen hundreds of boys achieve their Queen’s Badges – the highest award in the Boys’ Brigade. Mr West was very thorough and always inspected Queen’s Badge books in great detail before his candidates were able to attend completion courses. This is part of the reason, along with his dedication, his candidates have always enjoyed a very high success rate. We thank Mr West for his 23 years in the post which has elevated our Battalion’s reputation in the North Scottish Area and beyond.
Mr West is succeeded in the post by Capt. Michael Strachan of the 1st Rosehearty Company. Mr Strachan has some big shoes to fill and was delighted to accept Mr West’s kind offer of any advice or assistance if ever it was needed going forward. It may be of interest to note that Mr Strachan himself was awarded the Queen’s Badge back in 2005, Mr West being his Queen’s Badge Advisor!
We wish Mr Strachan every success going forward. Further details will be sent to Captains by Battalion Secretary, Lt Yvonne Duthie.
Image: Mr Andrew West (left) and Mr Michael Strachan (right).
We are pleased to announce that BB UK have launched new programmes for Building your Skills and Skills for Queen’s Badge.
The new programmes will enable young people to continue to work towards our major awards including the President’s Badge and Queen’s Badge this session. Both programmes will be delivered virtually using the video conferencing platform Zoom.
The new-look programmes are a temporary solution enabling young people to complete their awards during 2020-21 session and have been designed specifically to reflect the way they need to be delivered.
The training will be delivered by staff from North Scottish Area and information has been sent by email to Captains.
⚓There will be two Building Your Skills courses, one on 30 January and the second on 28 February, both starting at 1.30pm and lasting for approximately 3 hours including a short break.
⚓The Skills for Queen’s Badge courses will be held on 4 February and 3 March both starting at 7pm and lasting for approximately 2 hours.