On Friday evening Lt Stuart Pratt retired from the 1st New Pitsligo Boys Brigade after 45 years years service.

A long-time Captain of the Company, Stuart started volunteering with the then minister Rev. Ralph for 2 years from 1977 before becoming an officer in 1979.  Over that him he has been involved with the Junior & Company section.

Over the years he has taken the boys away on residential trips and I’m sure he has many a funny story to tell! He has also been involved in the Battalion Executive Committee representing the Juniors.

Last year Stuart took the decision to step down from the captaincy of the Company after a considerable number of years as Skipper. On stepping down Stuart continued with the Junior Section under Captain Mowat.

His successor as Captain, Elaine Mowat, said: “Volunteering is so rewarding, I always think it takes a special person to step up and give their time to others and be committed. I am sure Stuart has made a difference to many lives along the way. Stuart, may you be proud of the work you have done, the person you are and the difference you have made in your time at the Boys Brigade. We wish you good health and enjoyment with your retirement”

The President and Executive of the Buchan Battalion wish to take this opportunity to add their thanks to Stuart for his decades of service to the 1st New Pitsligo Company and congratulate him on making such a milestone. We wish him well on his retirement in the sure knowledge he will never be a stranger to the BB!