We are delighted to announce that Noah Duncan, 1st Rosehearty Company, has been awarded the President’s Commendation for his conduct and actions whilst a family member suffered a medical emergency. This national award was confirmed by email by John Sharp, BB lead for Scotland.

The Captain and Officers-in-Charge of the Company nominated Noah for the award after they learned about the distressing incident which occurred at home. When the family member showed signs of illness Noah first tried to get help from other relatives by phone but when the situation worsened he was forced to act and treat his ‘patient’ whilst waiting for professional help. After the paramedics arrived, they made it clear that his quick thinking and actions most likely saved life.

All at the 1st Rosehearty are extremely proud of Noah for his actions on that day. In the nomination the Captain mentioned how Noah himself lives with the condition which caused this medical episode and so his knowledge of it would have been crucial in dealing with the incident.

This will be the second President’s Commendation awarded to a member of the 1st Rosehearty, this first being awarded to Jack Irvine in 2021.

Noah will be presented with his official President’s Commendation award certificate at a later date during our Centenary year!

Well done Noah!